An intelligent LED emergency bulb that works like a standby power source . It brightens your homes with electric power supply from alternative current (A/C )and at the same time stores up this energy to be readily available for use when there is blackout, you do not need to be running your generator always because your lovely wife wants to cook your family dinner. How about waking up early to put ON the generator for the children to start preparation to go to school? Also your concern to avoid hitting your leg against an object when there is a sudden black out at night is put to rest while you use this bulb. With this bulb, your rooms, kitchen, bathroom is illuminated even without electricity.
1. You can simply decides to hold it appropriately in your palm . The light will come ON for easy and quick use.
2. Attach it to your bulb adaptor, put ON the switch and see the bulb light comes ON, when power goes off, the bulb still lights ON. switching OFF the light switch puts it OFF, this is done to conserve stored energy from depleting while there electricity there is pore cut. You can switch it ON again even without electricity. It only requires the switch button to function.
Input Voltage: 85 – 265V/AC
Concersion Time: 1s
Charging Method: Mains ighting when charging
Charging Time: 5-10 hours
Emergency Time: 4-6hours
Emergency Light: All bright
. Sharp brightness
. 50,000 life span ( 5yrs 6 months). When you buy this bulb it will take a long time before you think of buying bulb again
. standby time 6-8hours full brightness
. 1 year Warranty.
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